Whether through a therapy session, community workshop or holding a perpetrator accountable, your donations make a difference.

Donate to LvA

Your Donations Make a Difference

Sponsor a Court Pack


As you would imagine, testifying at court would be daunting for anyone and is even more so for a victim of abuse. LvA’s court packs are designed to make clients more comfortable by giving them a snack, water, tissues and a small distraction like a toy or colouring book for our child clients.

Empower Communities


Information is power! Provide community workshops and awareness campaigns to help educate individuals around gender-based violence, legal rights and available support services.

Support the Healing Process


Therapy and counseling can help a victim of abuse address the shame and/or guilt they may experience and increase their sense of self-confidence, resilience and agency.

Ensure Accountability


Specialised legal support is invaluable when trying to obtain justice against one’s abuser. Ensure these victims do not have to walk this road alone and that the justice system works the way it should.

There are several convenient ways to donate

Set up a Debit Order

Click here to schedule a monthly debit order securely processed by ABSA.

Donate via debit or credit card

PayFast is a convenient and secure way to donate. Enter any amount and click the ‘Donate’ button.

Donate via EFT

Account Name: Legal Centre for Gender Based Violence Association
Bank: First National Bank
Branch Code: 200607
Account Number: 62333686345
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Join the R100 for 10 Campaign

Assist 10 GBV victims for as little as R100 per month. Join the campaign today!

Donate via Snapscan

Snap the QR Code to make a donation. Donations can be once off or recurring.

Donate via Zapper

Scan the QR code below to make a donation of any amount.

US-based or UK-based

Donate through Global Giving. GlobalGiving is a safe and secure crowdfunding platform. Donations are tax deductible and can be made via debit card, credit card, check, or PayPal.

Tax Deductions

South African

All donations made to LvA are tax deductible as LvA is a registered Section 18A Public Benefit Organisation (PBO No: 930037235). Email info@lva.org.za to request a Section 18A Certificate for your donation.


All donations made through Global Giving are tax deductible as Global Giving is a 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Organisation (ID-number 30-0108263). Global Giving issues a tax receipt to donors immediately after a donation is made.


Global Giving UK is a registered charity (no 1122823). As such, donations made by UK taxpayers are eligible for Gift Aid, a 25% match from the British Government