LvA seeks to hold perpetrators of violence accountable and to ensure the justice system works for everyone.
Systemic Change
By working deeply in individual communities, LvA seeks not only to provide critical assistance to individual victims of violence, but also to address the broader systemic issues that lead to violence in the first place and then allow it to persist.
Through strategic engagement with local state actors (such as the police and court officials), civil society organisations and other stakeholders, LvA works to improve the response of state actors to GBV and foster better working relationships among all stakeholders.
Our Impact
Our Interventions
Increased Collaboration
Local Accountability
LvA works to hold state actors accountable in individual instances of misconduct. These acts of misconduct include poor treatment of GBV victims, misapplication of the law and acts of corruption and may be committed by state actors at every level including police officers, prosecutors, court clerks and magistrates.
As LvA learns of an instance of misconduct or observes one first-hand, we act quickly to report the misconduct to the appropriate senior official at the time it occurs. In so doing, LvA holds individuals within the justice system personally accountable for the poor treatment of GBV victims, misapplication of the law and acts of corruption, while also insisting that the State does the same.
Capacity Building